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Assessment in Early Childhood Settings

Assessment in Early Childhood Settings
Learning Stories

First Edition

June 2001 | 224 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
Assessment in Early Childhood Settings shows that an early childhood setting can be described as a learning place in which children develop learning dispositions such as resilience in the face of uncertainty, confidence to express their ideas, and collaborative and thoughtful approaches to problem-solving. These dispositions provide the starting point for life-long learning.

The author asks: How can we assess and track children's learning in the early years in a way that includes learning dispositions and avoids the pitfalls of over-formal methods, whilst being helpful for practitioners, interesting for families, and supportive for learners?

The book
  • describes a way of assessment that stays close to the children's real experiences and provides an alternative to mechanistic and fragmented approaches,
  • shows how practitioners can assess what really matters: those learning dispositions (interest, involvement and perseverance for example) that provide a foundation for life-long learning

The book is about weaving theory and practice: theorizing development and learning as reflected in assessment practice. The author also argues that unless we find ways to assess complex outcomes in early childhood they will be excluded from the teaching and the learning. Simple and low level outcomes and goals will take their place. The theoretical ideas and arguments are illustrated throughout by transcripts and stories of children in a range of early childhood settings. At every turn in the journey it asks: How is this reflected in a real life context? It documents the voices of children, practitioners and parents as the learning story develops.

A Folk Model of Assessment - and an Alternative
Learning Dispositions
Interest and Involvement
Persisting with Difficulty and Uncertainty
Communicating with Others and Taking Responsibility
Learning Stories
The Learning Story

`I would recommend this book to practitioners interested in reflecting on their own practice and approach to assessment. The insights provided are thought-provoking and promote a practical and positive approach to early years assessment' - Early Talk

`This is an inspiring book from bilingual, bicultural New Zealand about revolutionizing the assessment of young children's learning and progress.... I hope this book inspires United Kingdom practitioners to set out on learning story journeys' - Nursery World

`I found Margaret Carr's book fascinating… the ideas and arguments put forward are well worth mulling over' - Early Years Educator

`This book manages to blend recognized theory and recent research with practice. I found it easy, and sometimes enjoyable, to read; it provided plenty of "food for thought" as well as references on "how to". I would recommend it to all early childhood practitioners, not just those considering their current assessment procedures, as the chapters focusing on the child as a learner are of value on their own' - Julia Browne, Goldsmiths Association for Early Childhood

Excellent resource to provide background knowledge of the universally used Learning Journeys within Early Years sector.

Mrs Jayne Knott
Faculty of Education (Hull), Hull University
November 4, 2013

some good examples given to support assessment processes within an early years setting, however found repetitive in parts, hence not on essential list.

HESC Office, Barnet College
September 9, 2013

This book is easy to read. It explains the process of assessment in the Early Years and is based on involving children in their assessment. Carr gives purpose to this and explains the benefits of Learning Stories and dialogue with young children.

Mrs Alison Gallacher
Education , Strathclyde University
June 27, 2013

This book is easy to read. It explains the process of assessment in the Early Years and is based on involving children in their assessment. Carr gives purpose to this and explains the benefits of Learning Stories and dialogue with young children.

Mrs Alison Gallacher
Education , Strathclyde University
June 27, 2013

A good book with the use of case studies to explore points further.

Mrs Jayne Daly
Faculty of Buisness Law and Education, Staffordshire University
October 30, 2012

this book shows the reader a less intrusive way of assessing young children in settings

Mrs Kerrie Lee
Centre for Educational Studies, Hull University
April 20, 2011

Margaret Carr

Margaret Carr is a Professor of Education at the Wilf Malcolm Institute of Educational Research at the University of Waikato, in Hamilton, New Zealand. Before she joined the Faculty of Education at Waikato, she was a geographer at Victoria University in Wellington, New Zealand, where there was a strong focus by the professors on social and cultural change.  This formed a background for her interest in the role of education in society, and in Hamilton she gained a qualification in early childhood education and worked as a kindergarten teacher before becoming a lecturer in education at the university. Her PhD thesis was entitled ... More About Author

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ISBN: 9780761967941