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Analyzing Social Networks Using R

Analyzing Social Networks Using R

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April 2022 | 384 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd

This approachable book introduces network research in R, walking you through every step of doing social network analysis. Drawing together research design, data collection and data analysis, it explains the core concepts of network analysis in a non-technical way.

The book balances an easy to follow explanation of the theoretical and statistical foundations underpinning network analysis with practical guidance on key steps like data management, preparation and visualisation. With clarity and expert insight, it:

• Discusses measures and techniques for analyzing social network data, including digital media 
• Explains a range of statistical models including QAP and ERGM, giving you the tools to approach different types of networks
• Offers digital resources like practice datasets and worked examples that help you get to grips with R software

Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Mathematical Foundations
Chapter 3: Research Design
Chapter 4: Data Collection
Chapter 5: Data Management
Chapter 6: Multivariate Techniques Used in Network Analysis
Chapter 7: Visualization
Chapter 8: Local Node-Level Measures
Chapter 9: Centrality
Chapter 10: Group-level measures
Chapter 11: Subgroups and community detection
Chapter 12: Equivalence
Chapter 13: Analyzing Two-mode Data
Chapter 14: Introduction to Inferential Statistics for Complete Networks
Chapter 15: ERGMs and SAOMs


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Very comprehensive text, useful for students

Management, Autonomous University of Madrid
May 23, 2024

I never received an inspection copy, sorry

Professor Gerhard Wuehrer
Retailing, sales, and Marketing, Johannes Kepler University of Linz
July 24, 2023

Stephen P. Borgatti

Stephen Borgatti is the Gatton Endowed Chair of Management at the Gatton College of Business and Economics at the University of Kentucky. He has published extensively in management journals, as well cross-disciplinary journals such as Science and Social Networks. He has published over 100 peer-reviewed articles on network analysis, garnering more than 70,000 Google Scholar citations. With Martin Everett, Steve is co-author of UCINET, a well-known software package for social network analysis, as well as founder of the annual LINKS Center workshop on social network analysis. He is also a 2-term past President of INSNA (the professional... More About Author

Martin G. Everett

Martin Everett is Professor of Social Network Analysis and co-director of the Mitchell Centre for SNA at the University of Manchester. He has published extensively on social network analysis and has over 100 peer-reviewed articles and consulted with government agencies as well as public and private companies. With Stephen Borgatti, Martin is co-author of UCINET, a well-known software package for social network analysis and is co-editor of the journal Social Networks. He is also a past President of INSNA (the professional association for network researchers) and winner of their Simmel Award for lifetime achievement. He was elected as... More About Author

Jeffrey C. Johnson

Jeffrey Johnson is a University Term Professor of Anthropology at the University of Florida. He was a former Program Manager with the Army Research Office (IPA) where he started the basic science research program in the social sciences.  He has conducted extensive long-term research, supported by the National Science Foundation, comparing group dynamics and the evolution of social networks of over-wintering crews at the American South Pole Station, with those at the Polish, Russian, Chinese, and Indian Antarctic Stations. In related research, he has studied aspects of team cognition and social networks on success in simulated space... More About Author

Filip Agneessens

Filip Agneessens is an Associate Professor at the Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento. He has published on a diversity of topics related to social networks, including measures of centrality, statistical models, ego-networks and social support, two-mode networks, negative ties, multilevel networks and issues related to data collection. He has also applied social network analysis to understand the antecedents and consequences of interactions among employees, and in particular within teams. Together with Martin Everett, he was a guest-editor for a special issue on “Advances in Two-mode Social Network Analysis” in... More About Author

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ISBN: 9781529722475
ISBN: 9781529722482