Analysis in Qualitative Research
- Hennie R Boeije - University of Utrecht, Netherlands
Qualitative Research | Research Methods & Evaluation | Sociological Research Methods
The book incorporates the support of software for qualitative data analysis. The analysis is placed in the context of modern quality criteria and the demands posed on the reporting. The book cannot take the place of the process of thinking about the data, but it does provide thinking aids and practical tools to process the data, which can result in interesting findings.
The book is written on an introductory level and is aimed at third year undergraduate students, graduate students, and anybody beginning a research project. The examples cover a wide range of subjects what makes the book attractive for several social science disciplines. It strives to help researchers start and finish the analysis, and to inspire and enthuse them with their projects.
provides a very clear introductory text for students undertaking qual research for the first time
Like the Dutch version, it is a really helpfull book for bachelor as well as master level students
This is a well presented text - I particularly like the use of the flow diagrams and the tips!
Students are always challenged regarding "how to do" an analysis. This book provides insights, explanations and descriptions for students to practically apply the processes of data analysis.
A very useful text for third year dissertation students undertaking qualitative based studies.
The text has been useful for preparation of material for students undertaking Monitoring and Evaluation of community sports projects during their Workbased Projects
I have recommended this book to year 3 dissertation students undertaking qualitative research
Quite a good practical guide to some of the more difficult aspects of qualitative research, particularly segmenting, coding and analaysis. Probably better aimed a post-graduate students - but a good book
This book doen't really provide anything new and special compared to other qualitative book. However, it is a pretty standard one.
We read some passages with the students but it was too hard for them (2nd year undergrad).
twice same book in the list