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Analysis in Qualitative Research

Analysis in Qualitative Research

October 2009 | 240 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
Analysis in Qualitative Research helps readers prepare and successfully finish qualitative data analysis. It sets out an easy to grasp model—the spiral of analysis—that shows how to break up the data with coding and how to subsequently integrate the data to yield a meaningful picture of the phenomenon under study. It offers useful devices to guide the reader through the last difficult integrating phase of qualitative analysis including diagramming, memoing, thinking aloud, and using one's feelings.

The book incorporates the support of software for qualitative data analysis. The analysis is placed in the context of modern quality criteria and the demands posed on the reporting. The book cannot take the place of the process of thinking about the data, but it does provide thinking aids and practical tools to process the data, which can result in interesting findings.

The book is written on an introductory level and is aimed at third year undergraduate students, graduate students, and anybody beginning a research project. The examples cover a wide range of subjects what makes the book attractive for several social science disciplines. It strives to help researchers start and finish the analysis, and to inspire and enthuse them with their projects.
Learning Aims
Preparatory Thoughts
Considering Quantitative or Qualitative Research
Diversity in Qualitative Research
Defining and Delineating Qualitative Research in This Book
Overview of the Qualitative Research Process
Redaings I Learnt Much From
Doing Your Own Qualitative Research Project: Step 1
Learning Aims
Planning a Research Project
Literature Review
Research Question and Purpose
Legitimizing the Choice for Qualitative Research
Sampling, Recruitment and Access
Readings I Learnt Much From
Doing Your Own Qualitative Research Project: step 2
Learning aims
Ethics in Social Research
Sensitive Topics
Balancing Risk and Benefits for Participants
Researcher's Stress
Ethical Issues in Analysis
Readings I Learnt Much From
Other Resources
Doing Your Own Qualitative Research Project: Step 3
Learning Aims
Qualitative Data Collection
Instruments Used
Writing Memos
Preparing Data for Analysis
Readings I Learnt Much From
Doing Your Own Qualitative Research Project: Step 4
Learning Aims
What is Analysis?
Segmenting Data
Reassembling Data
Three Starting Points
A Stepwise Approach: The Spiral of Analysis
Readings I Learnt Much From
Doing Your Own Qualitative Research Project: Step 5
Learning Aims
Introduction to Coding
Open Coding
Axial Coding
Selective Coding
Reflections on Analysis
Readings I Learnt Much From
Doing Your Own Qualitative Research Project: Step 6
Learning Aims
Heuristics for Discovery
Think Aloud Analysis
Special Devices: Focus Groups and Visuals
Using the Computer in Analysis
Reflections on Computer-assisted Data Analysis
Readings I Learnt Much From
Doing Your Own Qualitative Research Project: Step 7
Learning Aims
Results of Qualitative Research
Meta-syntheses of Qualitative Studies
Muddling Qualitative Methods
Mixed Methods Research
Practical Use
Readings I Learnt Much From
Doing Your Own Qualitative Research Project: Step 8
Learning Aims
Thinking About Quality
'Doing' Quality
Checklists for Asserting Quality of the Analysis
External Validity or Generalizability
Quality Challenges
Readings I Learnt Much From
Doing Your Own Qualitative Research Project: Step 9
Learning Aims
Writing: The Last Part of the Analysis
The Researcher as Writer
The Position of Participants
Structure of the Final Report
Readings I Learnt Much From
Doing Your Own Qualitative Research Project: Step 10

Analysis is often overlooked in reserach in adult and community education. This text provides a really useful guide

Dr Brid Connolly
Department of adult and community education , National University
September 12, 2011

Very useful for our Media Honours students. Again the financial constraints of South African students limits them in buying all the books. So we buy for the Library rather than for individual students.

Mrs Desiray Viney
Media & Cultural Studies, University of KwaZulu -Natal
September 8, 2011

This is a good book which provides concise explanation of the analysis strategies for qualitative research. I put it down in the list of additional literature for the module.

Dr Maria Adamson
Essex Business School, Essex University
August 25, 2011

A very useful text book that is extremely clear to follow and provides helpful examples to the reader. It is one of the best text books I have seen on Qualitative Research. Hennie Boeije's books gives step-by-step instructions on how to unravel the 'mysteries' of qualitative data analysis. I will not hesitate to recommend it to my students.

Ms Anna Borg
Centre for Labour Studies, University of Malta
August 16, 2011

I gave this to some students working on M.Sc. and Ph.D. level research projects. For the M.Sc. level they found it was easy to find the material they were looking for. I would have like to have seen a more elaborated section (maybe some more examples) on creating conceptual models/theory building.

Professor Michel Chaudron
Department of Computer Science, Leiden University
July 29, 2011

A useful introduction to the qualitative research process for undergraduate and postgraduate students who need an overview of this topic area. The use of learniong objectives at the beginning of each chapter is helpful and aids the reader in identifying learning needs.

Ms Anne Johnson
Allied Health Professions, University of the West of England, Bristol
July 11, 2011

An excellent additional resource for my students

Mr Sean Flanagan
Computing, Runshaw College
April 27, 2011

The book gives a good outline about QL data analysis. Shorter than some clasical texts in the field yet comprehensive.

Dr Rita Kasa
Business Management, Stockholm School of Economics in Riga
April 15, 2011

A well-drafted book. although not alltogether convincing. As this is about a very basic level of social science education, I would prefer something more profound and encompassing.

Professor Joerg Struebing
Sociology , University of Tübingen
April 12, 2011

Although this book covers many of the relevant areas for qualitative data analysis and is very informative, there could be a few more practical examples for students in order to better illustrate the techniques under consideration.

Dr Jon Pemberton
Management , Edinburgh Napier University
February 16, 2011

Sample Materials & Chapters

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Hennie R Boeije

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ISBN: 9781847870070
ISBN: 9781847870063