Accounting Theory
Conceptual Issues in a Political and Economic Environment
- Harry I. Wolk - Drake University, USA
- James L. Dodd - Drake University, USA
- John J. Rozycki - Drake University, USA
This book is very valuable from some poit of view:
1- It is comprehensive
2- Proper adoption for the graduate level new students
3-Authors are from the best ones'
4-All chapters are suitable in size
5-Fluent English which made it suitable for non natives
Fits course needs perfectly.
Well organized and structured publication.
Uses an accessible language facilitating the understanding of theory and practice.
Integrates fundamental concepts showing a necessary caution in interpreting the results obtained.
It is useful for a diverse set of users connected to the academic and professional field.
I think that will be a good reference to recommend to students of the course in question and in other related to the management, accounting and finance
We will go on using this textbook as essential reading. Until now we have used the 7th ed. but are now adopting the 8th.