Ability Grouping in Education
- Judith Ireson - Institute of Education, University of London, UK
- Susan Hallam - Institute of Education, University of London, UK, University of London, UK
Ability Grouping in Education provides an overview of ability grouping in education. The authors consider selective schooling and ability grouping within schools, such as streaming, banding setting and within-class grouping.
Drawing on their own and others' research in primary and secondary schools, the authors provide an accessible analysis of the issues and latest research on ability grouping; as well as the implications of ability grouping for teachers, managers in education and the wider community.
`With an anticipated audience of teachers and policymakers, this book is user-friendly, incorporating detailed research findings illustrated by graphs and tables. A summary is provided at the end of each chapter, offering an overview for the time-conscious wishing to skip through the engaging but largely illustrative statistics and quotations. However, a close reading has its rewards, as the extracts from teachers and students offer poignant insight into the enormous complexity and far-reaching implications of ability grouping' - Cath Lambert, Educational Review