A Student's Guide to Presentations
Making your Presentation Count
- Barbara Chivers - Freelance Educational Consultant
- Michael Shoolbred - University of Birmingham, UK
Key features include:
- Real life examples illustrating effective presentation techniques
- Helpful tips and illustations throughout
- A 10-step guide to preparing your presentation
- Tips on using PowerPoint
- A companion website complete with a student resource center
Written in a clear and accessible style this book will be essential reading for both undergraduate and graduate students who have to conduct graded presentations.
Visit the Companion Website for:
- Chapter summaries
- A guide to presenting numbers
- Useful web links.
Visit the SAGE Study Skills website for tips, quizzes and videos on study success!
Step-by-Step plan for preparing a presentation very useful and hands-on.
Annex 1 on numerical data important for a number of students.
This book provides relevant information for our students in developing their skills and knowledge of presenting. The book is structured in a way that is easy for students to access and provides a range of strategies and approaches.
Neat, clear, accessible, effective! The key things you need for students new to presentations at all FE and HE levels.
A user-friendly text that students will find highly useful not only for aiding them in preparation of presentations but also in understanding the relevance of them for a deeper understanding of course material as well as preparation for employment.
A super book which is well written and user-friendly. Some excellent hints and tips to help students who need to complete a presentation as part of their course. An excellent resource for students and teachers alike.
A very useful text to help students with the increasing number of presentations that they are expected to make. An excellent complementary resource for the guidelines that we provide.
A fantastic book that has hugely aided students' confidence and techniques
We have recommended that our students read this book in order to help them with their level I assignment in addition to listing it as recommended reading for Level C study skills- Really handy book that covers a basic but important topic
very good for BA presentations, an increasing aspect of our course. Useful also for MA, and Research students thinking of Seminars and vivas.