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A Student Workbook for Public Speaking

A Student Workbook for Public Speaking
Speak From the Heart

First Edition

Other Titles in:
Speech Communication

December 2013 | 104 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
A Student Workbook for Public Speaking: Speak from the Heart asks students to think critically about the speech-making process while building their mastery of the fundamental practical skills of public speaking through a series of exercises and activities.  Nineteen brief chapters cover the essentials of public speaking including selecting a topic, researching your topic, organizing your topic, overcoming speech anxiety, and delivering informative, persuasive, and special occasion speeches. Each chapter includes a concise introduction to the most important skills and concepts related to each chapter topic, and offers opportunities for critical reflection on how to use each aspect of public speaking appropriately and effectively. Each chapter is paired with an activity, checklist, or worksheet that students may use to develop their speeches, assess their performance, and chart their progress in becoming competent public speakers.
1. Introduction
2. Public Speaking Contexts
3. Topic Selection
4. Audience Analysis and Adaptation
5. Credibility and Ethical Communication
6. Compassionate Criticism
7. Thesis Statements
8. Organizing and Outlining Your Ideas
9. Transitions
10. Introductions
11. Attracting and Retaining Listeners' Attention
12. Language and Power
13. Evidence: Support for Your Main Ideas
14. Reasoning
15. Conclusions
16. Presentational Aids
17. Practice
18. Delivering Your Speech
19. Reflection and Self-Assessment

This book offers support for those who are not confident enough to give a memorable presentation.

Ms Emilia Mantadakis
Department of Political Science, Maastricht University
January 20, 2016

This provides clear examples and feedback of what the public speaking student needs in order to achieve success. It is a wonderful accompaniment to lectures, as it gives the instructor room to include their own material while providing clear exercises the students can do on their own or as assignments.

Ms Kimberley Morin
Humanities Division, Greenfield Community College
February 12, 2015

Thank you for letting me see this book. Unfortunately, this workbook only meets some of my students’ needs for this course. I had assumed it would help students structure their speeches and suggested phrases. I also was hoping for a variety of speaking tasks to build confidence.

It would be helpful for native speakers in a public relations type course, but not with EFL students, unless the goal is one particular presentation. For example, this may be useful for preparing students who have to make a presentation as part of their leaving exams.

Ms Shala Barczewska
Institute of Foreign Lnaguages, Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach
September 22, 2014

Sample Materials & Chapters

Chapter 1

Deanna Leigh Fassett

Deanna L. Fassett is Department Chair and professor of communication pedagogy at San José State University where she has, since 2002, mentored her department’s graduate student instructors.  She is the author and editor of three other books:  Coordinating the Communication Course:  A Guidebook, Critical Communication Pedagogy, The SAGE Handbook of Communication and Instruction, and Communication: A Critical/Cultural Introduction, Second Edition. Her published research has appeared in a broad array of communication studies journals, including Basic Communication Course Annual, Communication Education, Liminalities: A Journal... More About Author

Keith Nainby

Keith Nainby is associate professor of communication pedagogy at California State University, Stanislaus. His research is on the philosophical foundations of emerging approaches to critical communication pedagogy. His publications on communication pedagogy include book chapters in The SAGE Handbook of Communication and Instruction and The Invisibility Factor: Administrators and Faculty Reach Out to First-Generation College Students, as well as journal articles in Liminalities: A Journal of Performance Studies, Language and Intercultural Communication and Educational Foundations. He also studies performative pedagogy, serving as the editor... More About Author

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ISBN: 9781452299518