A Pragmatic Approach to Business Ethics
- Alex C. Michalos - University of Northern British Columbia, Canada
Other Titles in:
Business Ethics
Business Ethics
288 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
A pragmatic approach to business ethics is argued for in this volume, which demonstrates the usefulness of the approach by applying it to a variety of issues. These issues are broad and far-reaching and include the relations between rational and moral/ethical decision-making, the limits of loyalty to employers, the impact of trust on business and the role of commercial public opinion polling during elections. The author also covers advertising, tobacco promotion, manufacture and marketing of armaments, concentration and taxation of wealth, and the North American Free Trade Agreement.
Ethical Considerations in Evaluation
Moral Responsibility in Business, or, Fourteen Unsuccessful Ways to Pass the Buck
The Loyal Agent's Argument
The Best and Worst Arguments for Business Ethics
The Impact of Trust on Business, International Security, and the Quality of Life
Ethical Considerations Regarding Public Opinion Polling during Election Campaigns
A Case against Tobacco Promotion
A Case for a Progressive Annual Net Wealth Tax
The Case against the North American Free Trade Agreement
Militarism and the Quality of Life