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A New View of AD/HD

A New View of AD/HD
Success Strategies for the Impulsive Learner

Other Titles in:
ADD/ADHD | At-Risk | Teacher Resources

80 pages | Corwin
Imagine your AD/HD students among the most successful in your classroom!

Diagnoses of AD/HD are exploding in the student population. As a teacher, administrator, staff developer or counsellor, it is up to you to meet the needs of these students. This remarkable book gives teachers and parents hope as it examines the positive attributes of AD/HD and builds on the characteristic strengths. By embracing, rather than resisting differences in AD/HD students, a very productive and rewarding learning relationship is possible.

A New View of AD/HD does a great job of examining the most current research and offering practical insight into how to get the best out of these distracted students. A common-sense approach offers concise action steps that really work. Your frustration will be dramatically reduced and your effectiveness will increase when you understand how to identify and teach to strengths instead of focusing on areas of weakness.

1. A New Revolutionary View of AD/HD
2. Who Really Has It?
3. The New Biology of AD/HD
4. How to Get an Accurate Diagnosis
5. Highly Effective Treatments
6. Solutions for Parents
7. Solutions for Teachers

Eric P. Jensen

Eric Jensen is a former teacher who grew up in San Diego, California. With a Ph.D. in Human Development, he synthesizes brain research and develops practical applications for educators.  He is listed among the top 30 educators in the world at Dr. Jensen has authored over 30 books, including Different Brains, Different Learners, Teaching with the Brain in Mind, Turnaround Tools for the Teenage Brain, Teaching with Poverty in Mind, Engaging Students with Poverty in Mind, and Poor Students Rich Students. Dr. Jensen co-founded an academic enrichment program held in 14 countries... More About Author